- - - - - - - - - -
Series A-Z:
Adventure in Leather NNac
Adventures of Bob Hope 106ac 107ac 108ac 109ac
Adventures of Jerry Lewis 101a† 102ac 103ac 104ac
Adventures of the Fly 4a
All New Collectors Edition C-56ac
All-Star Western v2 2c 3c 4c 5c
Amazing Adventures 5a 6ac 7ac 8ac 18a
Adventures of Bob Hope 106ac 107ac 108ac 109ac
Adventures of Jerry Lewis 101a† 102ac 103ac 104ac
Adventures of the Fly 4a
All New Collectors Edition C-56ac
All-Star Western v2 2c 3c 4c 5c
Amazing Adventures 5a 6ac 7ac 8ac 18a
Archie's Super Hero Comics Digest Magazine 2a
Art of Neal Adams 1ac 2ac
Aquaman 50a 51a 52a
Astonishing Tales 12a
Art of Neal Adams 1ac 2ac
Aquaman 50a 51a 52a
Astonishing Tales 12a
Aurora Comic Scenes 181ac
Avengers 92c 93ac 94ac 95a 96ac
Batman 200c 210c 217c 219ac 220c 221c 222c 224c 225c 226c 227c 229c 230c 232ac 234ac 237ac 239c 243ac 244ac 245ac 251ac 255ac
Batman 200c 210c 217c 219ac 220c 221c 222c 224c 225c 226c 227c 229c 230c 232ac 234ac 237ac 239c 243ac 244ac 245ac 251ac 255ac
Big Apple Comix NNa
Bizarre Adventures 28a
Blue Ribbon Comics v2 8r
Brave and the Bold 75c 76c 79ac 80ac 81ac 82ac 83a 84ac 85ac 86ac 93ac 100r 102a
Case of the Wasted Water ac
Challengers of the Unknown 70c 72c 74ac 81c
Case of the Wasted Water ac
Challengers of the Unknown 70c 72c 74ac 81c
Charlton Bullseye 5a
Christmas with the Super-heroes 1r
Conan the Barbarian 37ac 44a 45ac 49c 116cr/r
Conan the Barbarian Annual 3r
Crazy Magazine 2a 73r
Creepy 14a 15a 16a 32a 75a 91r
Christmas with the Super-heroes 1r
Conan the Barbarian 37ac 44a 45ac 49c 116cr/r
Conan the Barbarian Annual 3r
Crazy Magazine 2a 73r
Creepy 14a 15a 16a 32a 75a 91r
DC 100 Page Super Spectacular 6c
DC Special 3c 4c 6c 11c 29c
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 12r 16r 17r
DC Special Series 1c
DC Special 3c 4c 6c 11c 29c
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 12r 16r 17r
DC Special Series 1c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 1c 2c 4c 11c 12c 14c 17c 27a
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Special Album Edition 1a
Deadman 1c/r 2c/r 3cr/r 4 cr/r 5cr/r 6cr/r 7c/r
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Special Album Edition 1a
Deadman 1c/r 2c/r 3cr/r 4 cr/r 5cr/r 6cr/r 7c/r
Destroyer Duck 1c
Detective Comics 369a 395ac 397ac 400ac 402ac 404ac 407ac 408ac 410ac 412c 416c 439c 467a 477r 600a
Doc Savage v3 5a
Doctor Strange v2 4a†
Doctor Strange Special Edition 1r
Dracula Lives 2a 3ac 10a
Dracula Lives Annual 1r
Doctor Strange v2 4a†
Doctor Strange Special Edition 1r
Dracula Lives 2a 3ac 10a
Dracula Lives Annual 1r
Dynamic Classics 1r
Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion 9c
From Beyond the Unknown 3c 6c
Gamut 1a
G.I. Combat 168c 201c 202c
G.I. War Tales 2r
Giant-size Avengers 2a†
Giant-size X-men 2r
Girls' Romances 134c†
Green Lantern 63c 76ac 77ac 78ac 79ac 80ac 81ac 82ac 83ac 84ac 85ac 86ac 87ac 88ac 89ac
Green Lantern Green Arrow 1c/r 2c/r 3c/r 4c/r 5cr/r 6c/r 7cr/r
Gamut 1a
G.I. Combat 168c 201c 202c
G.I. War Tales 2r
Giant-size Avengers 2a†
Giant-size X-men 2r
Girls' Romances 134c†
Green Lantern 63c 76ac 77ac 78ac 79ac 80ac 81ac 82ac 83ac 84ac 85ac 86ac 87ac 88ac 89ac
Green Lantern Green Arrow 1c/r 2c/r 3c/r 4c/r 5cr/r 6c/r 7cr/r
Haunt of Horror v2 4a
Heart Throbs 120c
Heroes Against Hunger NNc
Hot Wheels 3c 6ac
House of Mystery 175c 176c 177c 178ac 179ac 180c 181c 182c 183c 184c 185c 186c 187c 188c 189c 190c 191c 192c 197c 199c 224r 228a 236a 251c 252c 253c 254c
House of Secrets 81c 82ac† 84a 85ac 86c 87c 88c 90ac 91c
Heroes Against Hunger NNc
Hot Wheels 3c 6ac
House of Mystery 175c 176c 177c 178ac 179ac 180c 181c 182c 183c 184c 185c 186c 187c 188c 189c 190c 191c 192c 197c 199c 224r 228a 236a 251c 252c 253c 254c
House of Secrets 81c 82ac† 84a 85ac 86c 87c 88c 90ac 91c
I Am The Guard NN
Ironjaw 1c 2c
Iron Man 72a
Jonah Hex and other Weird Western Tales 1r
Journey into Discovery with Mark Steel NNac
Journey Into Mystery v2 2a
Justice League of America 66c 67c 70c 79c 82c 92c 94ac 96c 97c 98c 139c
Ironjaw 1c 2c
Iron Man 72a
Jonah Hex and other Weird Western Tales 1r
Journey into Discovery with Mark Steel NNac
Journey Into Mystery v2 2a
Justice League of America 66c 67c 70c 79c 82c 92c 94ac 96c 97c 98c 139c
Kree Skrull War 1r 2r
Kull and the Barbarians 1a 2a
Legion of Monsters 1a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-23r C-25a/r/cr† C-31a† C-38a† C-43r C-44r C-46c C-48a† C-51c/r C-59c/r
Man-Bat v2 1r/cr
Marvel Feature 1c
Marvel Feature v2 1r
Marvel Premiere 10a 12a 13a 19a
Marvel Preview 1c 6a
Marvel Spotlight 1c 2c
Marvel Treasury Edition 6r 15r
Masters of Terror 1r
Micronauts 7c
Mister Miracle 19a†
Monsters Unleashed 1a 3ac 8r
Kull and the Barbarians 1a 2a
Legion of Monsters 1a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-23r C-25a/r/cr† C-31a† C-38a† C-43r C-44r C-46c C-48a† C-51c/r C-59c/r
Man-Bat v2 1r/cr
Marvel Feature 1c
Marvel Feature v2 1r
Marvel Premiere 10a 12a 13a 19a
Marvel Preview 1c 6a
Marvel Spotlight 1c 2c
Marvel Treasury Edition 6r 15r
Masters of Terror 1r
Micronauts 7c
Mister Miracle 19a†
Monsters Unleashed 1a 3ac 8r
Monsters Unleashed Annual 1r
Ms Mystic 1ac 2ac
Neal Adams Treasury 1ac 2ac
Our Army at War 182a 183a 186a 240a
Our Fighting Forces 147c
Phantom Stranger v2 3c 4ac 5c 6c 7c 8c 9c 10c 11c 12c 14c 15c 16c 17c 19c
Ms Mystic 1ac 2ac
Neal Adams Treasury 1ac 2ac
Our Army at War 182a 183a 186a 240a
Our Fighting Forces 147c
Phantom Stranger v2 3c 4ac 5c 6c 7c 8c 9c 10c 11c 12c 14c 15c 16c 17c 19c
Scottie in a Cracker Jack Story ad
Secret Hearts 134c
Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes TPBc
Secret Origins TPBr
Secrets of Sinister House 10c
Showcase 80c
Six Million Dollar Man 2c
Secret Hearts 134c
Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes TPBc
Secret Origins TPBr
Secrets of Sinister House 10c
Showcase 80c
Six Million Dollar Man 2c
Star Reach 2c
Star Spangled War Stories 134a 144a
Strange Adventures 206a 207ac 208ac 209ac 210ac 211ac 212ac 213ac 214ac 215ac 216ac 218c 228c 235c
Star Spangled War Stories 134a 144a
Strange Adventures 206a 207ac 208ac 209ac 210ac 211ac 212ac 213ac 214ac 215ac 216ac 218c 228c 235c
Super-Team Family 1r 2r 3r
Super DC Giant S-20c
Superboy 143c 147c† 153c 154c 155c 157c 158c 159c 160c 161c
Superman 204c 240c 249ac 250c 252c 254a† 272a† 307a 308c 313c 317c
Super DC Giant S-20c
Superboy 143c 147c† 153c 154c 155c 157c 158c 159c 160c 161c
Superman 204c 240c 249ac 250c 252c 254a† 272a† 307a 308c 313c 317c
Tales of the Batman: Marv Wolfman 1r
Teen Titans 20a 21a 22a
Thor 179c 180a 181a
Thrilling Adventures 2c
Tomahawk 117c 118c 121c 123c 124c 125c 126c 127c 129c 130c
Teen Titans 20a 21a 22a
Thor 179c 180a 181a
Thrilling Adventures 2c
Tomahawk 117c 118c 121c 123c 124c 125c 126c 127c 129c 130c
Tomb of Dracula 1c 4c† 6c
Tower of Shadows 2a
Tower of Shadows special 1r
Unexpected 121c
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1r
Vampirella 1a 10a 44a
Vampirella Annual 1r
Video Jack 6a†
Weird War Tales 8ac
Weird Western Tales 12a 13a 15ac
Weird Worlds v3 2a 3a
Witching Hour 1a 7c 8ac 9c 10c 11c 13ac 14c
Wonder Woman 202a 220a
World's Finest 175ac 176ac 205c 223r 226r 230r 244c 246c 258c
Wulf The Barbarian 2a
X-Men 56ac 57ac 58ac 59ac 60ac 61ac 62ac 63ac 65a
X-Men Classics 1r 2r 3r
- - - - - - - - - -
Ratings 5-1 stars:
All New Collectors Edition C-56ac
Batman 221c 244c 251a
Brave and the Bold 85a 86a 93a
Conan the Barbarian 37c
Dracula Lives 2a
Epic Illustrated 7a
Flash 195c
Green Lantern 76ac
House of Mystery 178a 186a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-51c
Phantom Stranger v2 10c 12c
Superman 252c 317c
Tower of Shadows 2a
Tower of Shadows special 1r
Unexpected 121c
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1r
Vampirella 1a 10a 44a
Vampirella Annual 1r
Video Jack 6a†
Weird War Tales 8ac
Weird Western Tales 12a 13a 15ac
Weird Worlds v3 2a 3a
Witching Hour 1a 7c 8ac 9c 10c 11c 13ac 14c
Wonder Woman 202a 220a
World's Finest 175ac 176ac 205c 223r 226r 230r 244c 246c 258c
Wulf The Barbarian 2a
X-Men 56ac 57ac 58ac 59ac 60ac 61ac 62ac 63ac 65a
X-Men Classics 1r 2r 3r
- - - - - - - - - -
Ratings 5-1 stars:
All New Collectors Edition C-56ac
Batman 221c 244c 251a
Brave and the Bold 85a 86a 93a
Conan the Barbarian 37c
Dracula Lives 2a
Epic Illustrated 7a
Flash 195c
Green Lantern 76ac
House of Mystery 178a 186a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-51c
Phantom Stranger v2 10c 12c
Superman 252c 317c
Tower of Shadows 2a
Witching Hour 10c
X-Men 57ac 58a 59a 60ac 61a
Action Comics 466c
All-Star Western v2 2c 4c 5c
Amazing Adventures 5a
Aquaman 51a
Archie's Super Hero Comics Digest Magazine 2a
Witching Hour 10c
X-Men 57ac 58a 59a 60ac 61a
Action Comics 466c
All-Star Western v2 2c 4c 5c
Amazing Adventures 5a
Aquaman 51a
Archie's Super Hero Comics Digest Magazine 2a
Aurora Comic Scenes 181a
Avengers 96aBatman 224c 226c 227c 245a 255a
Brave and the Bold 79a 80a 81ac 82a 83a
Case of the Wasted Water ac
Conan the Barbarian 37a
From Beyond the Unknown 3c
GI Combat 168c
Green Lantern 80a 82a 83a 84a 85a 86c 87a 89a
Green Lantern Green Arrow 2c
House of Mystery 177c 187c
House of Secrets 85ac 86c 88c 90c 91c
Justice League of America 94a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-48a† C-59c
Marvel Spotlight 1c
Monsters Unleashed 3c
Our Army at War 183a 240a
Phantom Stranger v2 3c 4a 14c
Savage Sword of Conan 2c
Savage Tales 4c
Spectre 3a 4c 5a
Strange Adventures 207c 208a 209a 216a
Superboy 143c 160c
Superman 254a†
GI Combat 168c
Green Lantern 80a 82a 83a 84a 85a 86c 87a 89a
Green Lantern Green Arrow 2c
House of Mystery 177c 187c
House of Secrets 85ac 86c 88c 90c 91c
Justice League of America 94a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-48a† C-59c
Marvel Spotlight 1c
Monsters Unleashed 3c
Our Army at War 183a 240a
Phantom Stranger v2 3c 4a 14c
Savage Sword of Conan 2c
Savage Tales 4c
Spectre 3a 4c 5a
Strange Adventures 207c 208a 209a 216a
Superboy 143c 160c
Superman 254a†
Tomahawk 121c
Vampirella 1a
Weird War Tales 8c
Weird Western Tales 13a
Witching Hour 8ac
World's Finest 176a
X-Men 56ac 58c 59c 61c 62ac 63a
Action Comics 425a
Adventures of Bob Hope 106ac 107ac 108ac 109ac
Adventures of Jerry Lewis 101a† 102a 103ac 104ac
All-Star Western v2 3c
Amazing Adventures 6c 7c 18a
Aquaman 50a 52a
Vampirella 1a
Weird War Tales 8c
Weird Western Tales 13a
Witching Hour 8ac
World's Finest 176a
X-Men 56ac 58c 59c 61c 62ac 63a
Action Comics 425a
Adventures of Bob Hope 106ac 107ac 108ac 109ac
Adventures of Jerry Lewis 101a† 102a 103ac 104ac
All-Star Western v2 3c
Amazing Adventures 6c 7c 18a
Aquaman 50a 52a
Aurora Comic Scenes 181c
Avengers 93ac 94ac 95a 96cBatman 200c 217c 219ac 220c 222c 225c 229c 230c 232ac 234ac 237ac 243ac 244a 245c 251c 255c
Big Apple Comix NNa
Bizarre Adventures 28a
Brave and the Bold 75c 79c 80c 82c 84ac 85c 86c 93c 102a
Challengers of the Unknown 72c 74ac
Brave and the Bold 75c 79c 80c 82c 84ac 85c 86c 93c 102a
Challengers of the Unknown 72c 74ac
DC 100 Page Super Spectacular 6c
DC Special 4c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 2c 4c 12c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Special Album Edition 1a
Deadman 2c
DC Special 4c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 2c 4c 12c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Special Album Edition 1a
Deadman 2c
Destroyer Duck 1c
Detective Comics 369a 395ac 397ac 400a 402ac 404a 407c 410ac 439c 467a 600aDoc Savage v3 5a
Doctor Strange v2 4a†
Dracula Lives 3ac 10a
Eerie v3 9a 10a 11a 128a
Emergency v2 1ac
Epic Illustrated 6c
Fear 11c
Flash 217a 218a 226a 246c
From Beyond the Unknown 6c
GI Combat 201c 202c
Giant-size Avengers 2a†
Green Lantern 77ac 78ac 79ac 80c 81ac 82c 83c 84c 85c 86a 87ac 88a 89c
Green Lantern Green Arrow 1c 3c 4c 6c
GI Combat 201c 202c
Giant-size Avengers 2a†
Green Lantern 77ac 78ac 79ac 80c 81ac 82c 83c 84c 85c 86a 87ac 88a 89c
Green Lantern Green Arrow 1c 3c 4c 6c
Heart Throbs 120c
Heroes Against Hunger NNc
Hot Wheels 3c 6a
House of Mystery 175c 176c 178c 179c 180c 181c 182c 183c 184c 185c 186c 188c 197c 228a 251c 252c 253c 254c
House of Secrets 81c 82c 84a 87c 90a
Heroes Against Hunger NNc
Hot Wheels 3c 6a
House of Mystery 175c 176c 178c 179c 180c 181c 182c 183c 184c 185c 186c 188c 197c 228a 251c 252c 253c 254c
House of Secrets 81c 82c 84a 87c 90a
I Am The Guard NN
Ironjaw 1c 2c
Journey into Discovery with Mark Steel NNac
Journey Into Mystery v2 2a
Justice League of America 66c 67c 70c 79c 82c 92c 94c
Kull and the Barbarians 1a 2aIronjaw 1c 2c
Journey into Discovery with Mark Steel NNac
Journey Into Mystery v2 2a
Justice League of America 66c 67c 70c 79c 82c 92c 94c
Legion of Monsters 1a
Limited Collectors' Edition C-25a† C-31a† C-38a† C-46c
Marvel Feature 1c
Marvel Premiere 10a 12a 13a 19a
Marvel Preview 1c 6a
Marvel Spotlight 2c
Marvel Treasury Edition 15ar
Micronauts 7c
Ms Mystic 1ac 2ac
Our Army at War 182a 186a
Our Fighting Forces 147c
Phantom Stranger v2 4c 6c 7c 8c 9c 16c 17c 19c
Limited Collectors' Edition C-25a† C-31a† C-38a† C-46c
Marvel Feature 1c
Marvel Premiere 10a 12a 13a 19a
Marvel Preview 1c 6a
Marvel Spotlight 2c
Marvel Treasury Edition 15ar
Micronauts 7c
Ms Mystic 1ac 2ac
Our Army at War 182a 186a
Our Fighting Forces 147c
Phantom Stranger v2 4c 6c 7c 8c 9c 16c 17c 19c
Saga of Ra's Al Ghul 4c
Savage Sword of Conan 14a 29a† 60a
Savage Tales 4a 5c 6c 7a 10a
Secret Hearts 134c
Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes TPBc
Secrets of Sinister House 10c
Showcase 80c
Six Million Dollar Man 2c
Savage Sword of Conan 14a 29a† 60a
Savage Tales 4a 5c 6c 7a 10a
Secret Hearts 134c
Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes TPBc
Secrets of Sinister House 10c
Showcase 80c
Six Million Dollar Man 2c
Star Reach 2c
Star Spangled War Stories 134a 144a
Strange Adventures 207a 208c 209ac 210ac 211a 212ac 213ac 214ac 215c 216c 218c
Super DC Giant S-20c
Superboy 147c† 155c 157c 158c 159c 161c
Superman 240c 249a 272a† 307a 308c
Star Spangled War Stories 134a 144a
Strange Adventures 207a 208c 209ac 210ac 211a 212ac 213ac 214ac 215c 216c 218c
Super DC Giant S-20c
Superboy 147c† 155c 157c 158c 159c 161c
Superman 240c 249a 272a† 307a 308c
Superman Family 182c 183c 184c 185c
Sword of Sorcery 1a 2a
Thor 179c 180a 181a
Tomahawk 118c 125c 126c 127c 129c
Sword of Sorcery 1a 2a
Thor 179c 180a 181a
Tomahawk 118c 125c 126c 127c 129c
Tomb of Dracula 1c 6c
Thrilling Adventures 2c
Vampirella 10a 44a
Weird War Tales 8a
Weird Western Tales 13a 15ac
Weird Worlds v3 2a 3a
Witching Hour 1a 7c 8a 13ac
Wonder Woman 202a
World's Finest 175ac 205c 244c 246c 258c
Wulf The Barbarian 2a
X-men 63c 65a
Thrilling Adventures 2c
Vampirella 10a 44a
Weird War Tales 8a
Weird Western Tales 13a 15ac
Weird Worlds v3 2a 3a
Witching Hour 1a 7c 8a 13ac
Wonder Woman 202a
World's Finest 175ac 205c 244c 246c 258c
Wulf The Barbarian 2a
X-men 63c 65a
Challengers of the Unknown 70c 81c
Conan the Barbarian 45a
Conan the Barbarian Annual 3r
DC Special 3c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 27a
Detective Comics 404c 416c
Emergency v2 2ac
Conan the Barbarian 45a
Conan the Barbarian Annual 3r
DC Special 3c
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 27a
Detective Comics 404c 416c
Emergency v2 2ac
Limited Collectors' Edition C-25a†
Marvel Feature v2 1ar
Mister Miracle 19a†
Monsters Unleashed 1a 3a
Marvel Feature v2 1ar
Mister Miracle 19a†
Monsters Unleashed 1a 3a
Savage Sword of Conan 1a 2a 54a†
Spectre 2a
Strange Adventures 206a 211c 213c 228c
Superboy 153c 154c
Superman 204c 249c 250c 313c
Spectre 2a
Strange Adventures 206a 211c 213c 228c
Superboy 153c 154c
Superman 204c 249c 250c 313c
Strange Adventures 235c
Wonder Woman 220a
a = interior art
c = cover
ac = art & cover
r = interior art reprint
cr = cover reprint
Wonder Woman 220a
a = interior art
c = cover
ac = art & cover
r = interior art reprint
cr = cover reprint
† = non-attributed / mis-attributed art and/or cover
B = book
GN = graphic novel
NN = no issue number
NN = no issue number
TPB = trade paperback
THC = trade hardcover
Note: this is an incomplete checklist that continually expands as more issues are rated and reviewed.
Neal Adams comics checklist
Reviewed by Ted F
7:12 AM
Great work! This is a fantastic resource to discover more great comics. I was expecting to see Batman 224 listed as cover art though, am I wrong about that?
Nope. Batman #224 is scheduled as an upcoming post. These checklists are a work in progress and updated as issues as posted. Probably 95% of Adams' story art from the silver and bronze age are already posted. He was even more prolific with covers, but there are plenty to come in the months to follow.
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