Archie's Joke Book #46 - Neal Adams art

Archie's Joke Book magazine v1 #46, 1960 - Like the two previous examples, early Neal Adams work resides within this issue. The quartet of half-page-long jokes is primarily disappointing. The artist struggles with drawing and layout, perhaps constrained by short format. Tellingly, his art mostly blends in with the rest of the issue. Adams would later find more success on another humor title, DC's Adventures of Jerry Lewis. Other artists in this issue include Harry Lucey. This is 3 of 5 Archie's Joke Book issues by Adams.
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"Soup’s On" / "Tir Aired" Adams story pencils and inks 1 page = *
"No Gripe" / "The Talking Kucoo" Adams story pencils and inks 1 page = *

Neal Adams
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Archie's Joke Book #46 - Neal Adams art Archie's Joke Book #46 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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