Teen Titans #20 - Neal Adams art

Teen Titans v1 #20 dc comic book cover art by Nick Cardy
Teen Titans #20
Teen Titans v1 #20, 1969 - The mysterious new hero Joshua enlists the Titans in saving a group of troubled teenagers. Neal Adams overall does a competent job with the page layouts and pacing. His pencils, however, are watered down by the loose inks of Nick Cardy, this issue's cover artist and a terrific illustrator in his on right. Certain panels sorely lack definition, including the sparsely drawn splash on page 11. While certainly not among his best works of the late silver age, Adams' recognizable style is still evident. Interestingly, later comic magazine articles reveal that Joshua was originally scripted to be an African American, but modified at the last minute. This silver age story was later reprinted in Best of DC #18. This is 1 of 3 Teen Titans issues by Adams.
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"Titans Fit The Battle Of Jericho" Adams story pencils (Nick Cardy inks) 23 pages = **

Teen Titans #20 dc silver age comic book page by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Teen Titans #20 - Neal Adams art Teen Titans #20 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:50 PM Rating: 5

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