House of Mystery #184 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth, Wally Wood art

Neal Adams
House of Mystery v1 #184, 1970 - Though different in style, two artists make significant contributions in this issue. In Alex Toth's story, a college professor embarks on a treasure hunt in the Egyptian desert (see interior page below). The loose, stippled drawings convey a sense of antiquity, especially in the artifacts on the first page. Wally Wood embellishes Gil Kane's tale of a basilisk terrorizing a medieval village. Dynamic pencils are softened yet streamlined for optimal results. Neal Adams once again combines innocence and horror on his near-symmetrical cover. Other artists in this bronze age comic include John Albano. This is 10 of 26 House of Mystery issues by Adams, 5 of 8 House of Mystery issues by Toth and 3 of 6 House of Mystery issues by Wood. /// Toth gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"Eyes of the Basilisk" Wood story inks (
Gil Kane pencils) 10 pages = ***
Toth intro page pencils and inks = ***
"Turner's Treasure" Toth story pencils and inks 10 pages = ***

Wally Wood

Alex Toth
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House of Mystery #184 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth, Wally Wood art House of Mystery #184 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth, Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 6:26 AM Rating: 5

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