Fear #11 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
(Adventure into) Fear v1 #11 with the Man-Thing, 1972 - For the first nine issues, this title reprinted Atlas monster stories from the 1960s. Original material began with the tenth issue, featuring the Man-Thing in his first solo book after his premiere in Savage Tales #1. Here the character marks his third appearance, starting with this terrific Neal Adams cover. The juxtaposition of children with monsters was a common theme on the artist's DC works, but works just as well in this case. The cropped-in frame confines the illustration a bit too much, but this is largely offset by Adams' keen sense of lighting and mood. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Rich Buckler and Jim Mooney. This is 1 of 1 Fear issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

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Fear #11 - Neal Adams cover Fear #11 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:13 PM Rating: 5

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