House of Mystery #187 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth art

Neal Adams
House of Mystery v1 #187, 1970 - A severely tilted horizon heightens the tension on this excellent Neal Adams cover. The strongly delineated boundary between the clearing and the woods also promotes the contrast between the known and the unknown. Inside, the related Alex Toth story tells of a hunter's obsessions with both his wife and his prey. Loose and impressionistic, the art has an unnerving, dream-like quality (also note Adams' swipe of the hunter in the interior page shown below). This story was later reprinted in House of Mystery #229. Other artists in this bronze age comic include John Celardo, Mike Peppe and Wayne Howard. This is 13 of 26 House of Mystery issues by Adams and 6 of 8 House of Mystery issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"Mask of the Red Fox" Toth story pencils and inks 12 pages = ***

Alex Toth
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House of Mystery #187 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth art House of Mystery #187 - Neal Adams cover, Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:45 AM Rating: 5

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