Superboy #154 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
Superboy v1 #154, 1969 - Superboy loses control of his powers, endangering everyone around him. Wally Wood's inks provide some much needed polish to otherwise mediocre pencils. His influence is most evident on the faces of various characters and on some key pages. Unfortunately, Neal Adams' inking does little to enhance a largely uninteresting cover by Irv Novick. This is 11 of 27 Superboy issues by Adams and 2 of 8 Superboy issues by Wood.
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Adams cover inks (Irv Novick pencils) = **
"Blackout for Superboy!" Wood story inks (Bob Brown pencils) 23 pages = ***
Wally Wood
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Superboy #154 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover Superboy #154 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:34 AM Rating: 5

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