Detective Comics #407 - Neal Adams art & cover

Neal Adams
Detective Comics v1 #407, 1971 - Man-Bat makes his third appearance, seeking to marry his longtime fiancee despite his metamorphosis. Neal Adams draws this tale with relish and commitment. His formidable pencils are paired with Dick Giordano's capable inks. Layout and pacing are thoughtfully planned, including varied panels and multiple viewpoints. Page 4's depiction of a fully transformed Man-Bat gone mad (see interior page below) is among the story's highlights. This story, marking the character's third appearance, was later reprinted in Man-Bat v2 #1. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gil Kane and Vince Colletta. This is 21 of 38 Detective Comics issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils (Dick Giordano inks) = ***
"Marriage Impossible" Adams story (Dick Giordano inks) 15 pages = ****

Neal Adams
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Detective Comics #407 - Neal Adams art & cover Detective Comics #407 - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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