Wulf The Barbarian #2 - Neal Adams, Wally Wood art

Wulf The Barbarian #2
Wulf The Barbarian v1 #2, 1975 - No less than nine different inkers collaborate on this twenty page story. The art is surprisingly cohesive for so many artists involved. Wally Wood's contributions are the hardest to determine, but the most likely pages 6-9 are most likely by his hand. The most pleasant surprise and strongest pages by far are finished by Neal Adams. His efforts exceed expectations despite the circumstances and comprise most of pages 14-17 and 20. Page seventeen (see interior page below) is as fine as any Adams work during the bronze age. This is 1 of 1 Wulf the Barbarian issues by Adams and 1 of 1 Wulf the Barbarian issues by Wood.
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"The Beasts of Famine" Adams story inks 5? pages (Larry Hama pencils) = ***
Wood story inks 2? pages (Larry Hama pencils) = *

Neal Adams
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Wulf The Barbarian #2 - Neal Adams, Wally Wood art Wulf The Barbarian #2 - Neal Adams, Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:42 PM Rating: 5

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