Pencil Ink started out as a blog on my favorite comic book artists of the past. It has since evolved to include more issues of interest and other meanderings. Hopefully the tips below will help fellow fans navigate through the site:
ARTIST ISSUES review and rate each issue, relative to the body of the artist's work. Five stars (*****) = work of the highest aesthetic quality. Four stars (****) = above their usual standards. Three stars (***) = work that meet expectations. Two stars (**) = work that falls below expectations. One star (*) = work that's virtually unrecognizable in style or an uncharacteristically poor effort. Mis-attributions are issues credited erroneously to the artist. Non-attributions are issues by the artist, but uncredited in guides and other sources. Starts are the first professional works by artists. Top 10 are the best issues per artist, in my opinion.
KEY ISSUES feature those comics that are collectible beyond their artistic merit. These keys comprise of 1st issues, 1st appearances (by characters), 1st origins (outside their 1st appearances), 1st cover appearances (outside their 1st appearances), 1st solo story or issue (outside their 1st appearances), 1st series (outside their 1st appearances), 1st revivals (1st appearances after missing 10+ years), milestone (100th issue, etc.), landmark (significant within comics history) and specialty (sought after for various reasons) issues.
SELECT ISSUES spotlight specific works by non-featured artists. All are superb, comparable to the best work by the featured artists. In the "artists" labels section, these are identified with a S behind the artist's last name (example: Wolverton-S).
Lastly, the blog includes artist profiles, original art, galleries, comic book ads and miscellany. Any comments are welcome, as I strive to improve this blog.
A guide to Pencil Ink
Reviewed by Ted F
11:21 PM

Enjoy your blog very much, thought you might enjoy the latest feature on Tony Robertson's STERANKO Fan-site (I'm the designer) feature is titled: COMPS TO FINISHED... enjoy and please feel free to share.
I've been enjoying your blog since its inception, and while we definitely share a similar list of favorite artists, I wonder why yours doesn't include John Buscema. Being a huge fan, I'd love to read your insights about his late Silver Age / Early Bronze Age work :-)
You should eye-peel for the 3 issues of the 1974 Mad/NatLamp mishmash mag "Harpoon". Within those pages lie bizarre stuff by Adams, Simonson & Starlin, plus maybe Ploog and Wrightson, too...
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