Planet of Vampires #1 - Neal Adams cover + 1st issue

Planet of Vampires v1 #1 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Planet of Vampires v1 #1, 1975 - Despite the title, there are no vampires in the traditional sense. This ambitious science fiction title follows a group of space travelers returning to Earth's post-apocalyptic future. The cover of this first issue showcases a fine example of Neal Adams' precise inking. His style mostly suppresses that of the penciller, but to the benefit of the series. Shadows and highlights are masterfully applied, giving this premiere issue much-needed attention. This issue also includes artwork by Pat Broderick and Frank McLaughlin. This is 1 of 2 Planet of Vampires issues by Adams. /// key 1st issue 
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Adams cover inks (Pat Broderick pencils) = ****

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Planet of Vampires #1 - Neal Adams cover + 1st issue Planet of Vampires #1 - Neal Adams cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 1:17 PM Rating: 5


Britt Reid said...

"there are no vampires in the traditional sense."

There weren't any "traditional" vampires in the similarly-named movie
Planet of THE Vampires, either!

This series, Chaykin's The Scorpion and Ernie Colon's The Grim Ghost were my favorites of this short-lived upstart that dared to challenge DC & Marvel.

Chaarles said...

Loved this comic. Recently bought all 3 in the run. Great stuff.

Unfortunately issue 3 comes over as very rushed; possibly it was published near the demise of Atlas at the time.

But issues 1 & 2 were excellent and altogether it was a great comic. Maybe the recently resurgent Atlas might take up the story again. I'll go over there now and suggest it.

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