Brave and the Bold #75 - Neal Adams cover

Brave and the Bold #75
Brave and the Bold v1 #75, 1968Neal Adams' first cover for this series features Batman and the Spectre, a golden age hero only recently revived. The duo is pitted against a malignant spirit called Shahn-Zi, who terrorizes the city's Chinatown district. Adams uses an interior story panel for the cover layout, but executes it in his own distinct style. Not much room to breathe, but well done nonetheless. Other artists in this silver age comic include Bob Brown. This is 1 of 17 Brave and the Bold issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

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Brave and the Bold #75 - Neal Adams cover Brave and the Bold #75 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:18 AM Rating: 5

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