Super-Team Family #3 - Wally Wood art, Frank Brunner cover, Neal Adams reprint

Frank Brunner
Super-Team Family v1 #3, 1975 - Mixing new material with old, this issue begins with an original tale teaming up Flash and Hawkman against Gorilla Grodd. The story title is not that obvious in its attempt at humor. Casual and sometimes comic, Wally Wood's inks make the artwork more appealing and spontaneous. The issue also includes reprints tales from World's Finest #176 (Superman and Batman by Neal Adams) and Adventure Comics #267 (Aquaman and Green Arrow). In perhaps his only work for DC, Frank Brunner delivers a graceful, multi-paneled cover. This is 1 of 1 Super-Team Family issues by Brunner and 1 of 1 Super-Team Family issues by Wood. /// Brunner gallery
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***
"Gorilla My Dreams" Wood story inks (Ric Estrada pencils) 18 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Super-Team Family #3 - Wally Wood art, Frank Brunner cover, Neal Adams reprint Super-Team Family #3 - Wally Wood art, Frank Brunner cover, Neal Adams reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 10:39 AM Rating: 5

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