Savage Tales #7 - Neal Adams art

Savage Tales #7
Savage Tales v1 #7 featuring Ka-Zar, 1974 - Attempting to rescue a woman named Myrain, Ka-Zar follows the trail of her captors to a sacrificial temple. John Buscema's pencils are delineated by the "Crusty Bunkers", an informal group of artists led by Neal Adams. In this story, his contributions are significant, inking the majority of faces and figures (including the saber-tooth Zabu). Where Adams' hand is evident, the panels are greatly enhanced. Other artists in this issue include John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, Tony DeZuniga and Steve Gan. Cover by Boris Vallejo. This is 4 of 5 Savage Tales issues by Adams.
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"The Dream Temple of Kandu Ra" Adams partial story inks (John Buscema pencils) 16 pages (black and white) = ***

Savage Tales v1 #7 conan marvel comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Savage Tales #7 - Neal Adams art Savage Tales #7 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:51 AM Rating: 5

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