Iron Man #72 - Neal Adams art

Iron Man #72
Iron Man v1 #56, 1972 - According to the Overstreet Comic Guide, this issue contains "cameo portraits of N. Adams". This suggests his appearance as a story character. Neal Adams in fact does not appear, but draws series writer Mike Friedrich on panels 1 and 4 on page 8 (see interior page below). His contribution is sadly minuscule compared to the whole. Are there any other Adams panels or pages I've missed? Let me know. Other artists in this bronze age comic include George Tuska and Vince Colletta. Cover by Gil Kane and John Romita. This is 1 of 1 Iron Man issues by Adams.
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"Convention of Fear" Adams story pencils and inks 2 panels = *

Iron Man v1 #72 marvel comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Iron Man #72 - Neal Adams art Iron Man #72 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:54 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Nick Caputo said...

I believe the cover is inked by Giacoia (or Giacoia and Esposito woh often worked on covers together) with Romita alterations.

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