- - - - - - - - - -
Series A-Z:
Adventure Into Mystery 4a
Adventures Into The Unknown 27a 91a 96a 107a 116a 128r
Adventures of the Fly 2a
Al Williamson Forbidden Worlds TPBr
Alarming Adventures 1a 2a 3a†
Alarming Tales 5a† 6a
Alien Worlds 1a 4a
Annie Oakley 9a
Alien Worlds 8a
Art of Al Williamson TPBr
Astonishing 57a 60a
Avengers Annual 16a†
Battle 55a 67a 68a
Battle Ground 11a 13a 18a
Best of DC 14r 51r 71r
Blade Runner 1c/r
Blast Off 1a
Blazing Combat 2a
Blue Ribbon Comics v3 1r
Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery 11a
Buster Crabbe 2c 3ac 5a
Cadet Gray of West Point 1a
Captain America 313ac†
Blast Off 1a
Blazing Combat 2a
Blue Ribbon Comics v3 1r
Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery 11a
Buster Crabbe 2c 3ac 5a
Cadet Gray of West Point 1a
Captain America 313ac†
Captain America Ghost Rider: Fear NNa
Chamber of Chills v2 13r
Chief Victorio's Apache Massacre NNa
Cheyenne Kid 10a 11a† 12a 13a 14a
Classics Illustrated 144a
Cliff Merritt and the Very Candid Candidate NNac
Cliff Merritt Sets the Record Straight NNac
Comic Book Artist 4a
Confessions of the Lovelorn 91a
Cowboy Action 11a
Cowboy Love v2 7a
Cowboy Western 67a
Creepy 1a 2a 4a 5a 6a 19a† 20r 48r 83a 86a 103r 112a 137r 142r
Cheyenne Kid 10a 11a† 12a 13a 14a
Classics Illustrated 144a
Cliff Merritt and the Very Candid Candidate NNac
Cliff Merritt Sets the Record Straight NNac
Comic Book Artist 4a
Confessions of the Lovelorn 91a
Cowboy Action 11a
Cowboy Love v2 7a
Cowboy Western 67a
Creepy 1a 2a 4a 5a 6a 19a† 20r 48r 83a 86a 103r 112a 137r 142r
Crime Suspenstories 13a 16a 17a
Danger Is Our Business 1a
Danger Is Our Business v2 9r
Daredevil Man without Fear 1ac 2ac 3ac 4ac 5ac
Danger Is Our Business 1a
Danger Is Our Business v2 9r
Daredevil Man without Fear 1ac 2ac 3ac 4ac 5ac
Eerie Tales 1a
Eternals v2 12a
Ewoks 10†
Famous Funnies 166a 169a
Fargo Kid 3a
Fighting Yank 28a
Flash Gordon v4 1ac 3c 4ac 5ac 31cr/r 32cr/r 33cr/r
Flash Gordon the Movie TPBac
Forbidden Worlds 1a 3a 5a 6a 63a 69a 76a 78a
Frontier Western 2a 3a 5a 6a
Grimm’s Ghost Stories 5a 8a 47r 59r
Gunfighters v2 53r 54r 56cr†
Gunsmoke v2 7a† 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a
Gunsmoke Western 33a 35a 36a 39a 40a
Heroes for Hope 1a†
Heroic Comics 51a 52a 65a
House of Mystery 185a
Ewoks 10†
Famous Funnies 166a 169a
Fargo Kid 3a
Fighting Yank 28a
Flash Gordon v4 1ac 3c 4ac 5ac 31cr/r 32cr/r 33cr/r
Flash Gordon the Movie TPBac
Forbidden Worlds 1a 3a 5a 6a 63a 69a 76a 78a
Frontier Western 2a 3a 5a 6a
Grimm’s Ghost Stories 5a 8a 47r 59r
Gunfighters v2 53r 54r 56cr†
Gunsmoke v2 7a† 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a
Gunsmoke Western 33a 35a 36a 39a 40a
Heroes for Hope 1a†
Heroic Comics 51a 52a 65a
House of Mystery 185a
Incredible Hulk 311c
Incredible Science Fiction 32aInhumans GNa
Iron Man Annual 13a
Jann of the Jungle 10c 16a 17a
Jet 3a 4a
John Wayne Adventure Comics 2a 3a 4a 6a 7a 8a 18r 25r 29r 31r
John Wayne Oxydol Dreft giveaway NNcr
Journey into Mystery 33a 43a 44a 54a
Journey into Unknown Worlds 45a 55a 59a
Kid Colt Outlaw 54c 57a 58a 59a 60a 66a 88a 89a
Kid Slade 7a
Lorna the Jungle Girl 18c
Marines In Battle 17a
Marvel Comics Presents 81a
Marvel Fanfare 30a
Marvel Super Special 16a 22a 27a
Marvel Tales 144a
Matt Slade Gunfighter 1a 2a
Mighty Marvel Western 32r 37r
Monsters Unleashed 7r
Movie Love 8a
My Love v2 10r 26r
My Own Romance 71a
My Romantic Adventures 86a
Mystery Comics Digest 4r 9r
Mystery Tales 44a 46a 48a† 51a
Mystic 60a
Mystical Tales 5a
Noman 1a
Out of the Night 1a 2a 4a
Outlaw Kid 8a 10a 15a† 18a
Outlaw Kid v2 3r 9r 28r
Piracy 1a 2a
Piracy v2 1r 2r
Power Pack 43a 50a
Out of the Night 1a 2a 4a
Outlaw Kid 8a 10a 15a† 18a
Outlaw Kid v2 3r 9r 28r
Piracy 1a 2a
Piracy v2 1r 2r
Power Pack 43a 50a
Quick-Trigger Western 13a 15a†
Race for the Moon 2a 3a
Rawhide Kid 7a
Ringo Kid 10a 13a
Ringo Kid v2 1r 20r
Ripley's Believe It or Not v2 1a 80r
Rocky Lane's Black Jack 23a
Romantic Western 2a
Race for the Moon 2a 3a
Rawhide Kid 7a
Ringo Kid 10a 13a
Ringo Kid v2 1r 20r
Ripley's Believe It or Not v2 1a 80r
Rocky Lane's Black Jack 23a
Romantic Western 2a
Shock Illustrated 2a
Shock Suspenstories 8a
Six-Gun Heroes 47a 49a
Six-Gun Western 1a 2a 3a
Somerset Holmes 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a
Spellbound 34a†
Shock Suspenstories 8a
Six-Gun Heroes 47a 49a
Six-Gun Western 1a 2a 3a
Somerset Holmes 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a
Spellbound 34a†
Star Brand 1a
Star Wars 39cr/r 40ac/r 41ac/r 42ac/r 43ac/r 44ac/r 50a 98a
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1r 2r 3r 4r
Star Wars 39cr/r 40ac/r 41ac/r 42ac/r 43ac/r 44ac/r 50a 98a
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1r 2r 3r 4r
Strange Stories of Suspense 8a 14a
Strange Tales 58a 64a
Strange Tales of the Unusual 3a
Strange Worlds 3a
Strange Tales 58a 64a
Strange Tales of the Unusual 3a
Strange Worlds 3a
Strange Worlds v3 4a
Superman 400a† 408ac 416a
Tales from the Crypt 31a
Tales of Suspense 1a 4a
Tales to Astonish 5a
Tex Dawson 1r
Tex Ritter 39a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a 13a
Thrill-O-Rama 2a
Thunder Agents 10ac
Timespirits 4a
Tomahawk 2a
Transformers 64a†
Twilight Zone v2 12a 51a
Superman 400a† 408ac 416a
Tales from the Crypt 31a
Tales of Suspense 1a 4a
Tales to Astonish 5a
Tex Dawson 1r
Tex Ritter 39a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a 13a
Thrill-O-Rama 2a
Thunder Agents 10ac
Timespirits 4a
Tomahawk 2a
Transformers 64a†
Twilight Zone v2 12a 51a
Two-Gun Kid 25a 30a 51a
Two-Gun Western v2 9a 11a
Uncanny Tales 51a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a 3r
Unknown Worlds 47r
Valor 1a 2ac 3a 5a
Valor v2 1r 2cr/r 3r 5r
Vanguard Illustrated 3c
Vault of Horror 37a
War is Hell 1r
Two-Gun Western v2 9a 11a
Uncanny Tales 51a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a 3r
Unknown Worlds 47r
Valor 1a 2ac 3a 5a
Valor v2 1r 2cr/r 3r 5r
Vanguard Illustrated 3c
Vault of Horror 37a
War is Hell 1r
Warfront 36a
Weird Fantasy v2 14a 15a 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 21ac
Weird Science v2 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 21a 22a
Weird Science-Fantasy 23a 24a 25ac 29a
Weird Science-Fantasy v3 1cr/r 2r 3cr/r 6r 7r
Western Fighters 11a
Western Gunfighters 23a
Western Gunfighters v2 2r 18r
Western Hearts 2a
Western Kid 9a 10a
Western Kid v2 3r
Western Outlaws v2 11a 14a 17a
Weird Fantasy v2 14a 15a 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 21ac
Weird Science v2 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 21a 22a
Weird Science-Fantasy 23a 24a 25ac 29a
Weird Science-Fantasy v3 1cr/r 2r 3cr/r 6r 7r
Western Fighters 11a
Western Gunfighters 23a
Western Gunfighters v2 2r 18r
Western Hearts 2a
Western Kid 9a 10a
Western Kid v2 3r
Western Outlaws v2 11a 14a 17a
Where Monsters Dwell 38r
Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles 68a 69a 70a
Wild Western 51a 54a 55a
Witching Hour 14a
Witzend 1a 2a
Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles 68a 69a 70a
Wild Western 51a 54a 55a
Witching Hour 14a
Witzend 1a 2a
Wolverine v2 1ac
World Around Us 15a 18a 19a
World of Fantasy 2a 16a
World of Suspense 3a 7a
Wyatt Earp v2 2a 7a 12a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Wyatt Earp v4 30r
World Around Us 15a 18a 19a
World of Fantasy 2a 16a
World of Suspense 3a 7a
Wyatt Earp v2 2a 7a 12a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Wyatt Earp v4 30r
X-terminators 1a
- - - - - - - - - -
Ratings 5-1 stars:
Battle 55a
Cliff Merritt and the Very Candid Candidate NNa
Cliff Merritt Sets the Record Straight NNa
Creepy 5a 112a
Eerie v3 5a
Eerie Tales 1a
Flash Gordon v4 4a 5a 31ar 32ar 33ar
Grimm’s Ghost Stories 8a
House of Mystery 185a
Marvel Super Special 16a
Star Wars 40a 41a 42a 43a 44ac 50a
Warfront 36a
Weird Fantasy v2 17a 18a 21c
Witching Hour 14a
Alarming Adventures 1a 2a
Annie Oakley 9a
Astonishing 60a
Blazing Combat 2a
Cliff Merritt and the Very Candid Candidate NNc
Cliff Merritt Sets the Record Straight NNc
Creepy 1a 2a 83a
Crime Suspenstories 17a
Eerie v3 3a
Flash Gordon v4 1a 3c 5a 33ar
Flash Gordon the Movie TPBa
Forbidden Worlds 63a 69a 78a
Grimm’s Ghost Stories 5a
Gunsmoke Western 33a
Incredible Science Fiction 32a
Jann of the Jungle 16a 17a
Jet 3a 4a
Kid Colt Outlaw 57a 89a
Kid Slade 7a
Marvel Super Special 16a 22a 27a
Mystery Tales 51a
Outlaw Kid 10a
Race for the Moon 2a 3a
Shock Illustrated 2a
Somerset Holmes 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a
Star Wars 40c 98a
Thrill-O-Rama 2a
Twilight Zone v2 51a
Somerset Holmes 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a
Star Wars 40c 98a
Thrill-O-Rama 2a
Twilight Zone v2 51a
Two-Gun Kid 25a
Two-Gun Western v2 11a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1r
Valor 2c 3a
Vanguard Illustrated 3c
Vault of Horror 37a
Weird Science v2 16a 18a
Weird Science-Fantasy 24a 28a
Witzend 1a
Adventure Into Mystery 4a
Adventures Into The Unknown 27a 91a 107a 116a
Alarming Adventures 3a†
Alarming Tales 5a† 6a
Alien Worlds 1a 4a 8a
Astonishing 57a
Battle 68a
Battle Ground 13a 18a
Two-Gun Western v2 11a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction 1r
Valor 2c 3a
Vanguard Illustrated 3c
Vault of Horror 37a
Weird Science v2 16a 18a
Weird Science-Fantasy 24a 28a
Witzend 1a
Adventure Into Mystery 4a
Adventures Into The Unknown 27a 91a 107a 116a
Alarming Adventures 3a†
Alarming Tales 5a† 6a
Alien Worlds 1a 4a 8a
Astonishing 57a
Battle 68a
Battle Ground 13a 18a
Blade Runner 1c/r
Blast Off 1a
Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery 11a
Buster Crabbe 2c 3ac 5a
Cadet Gray of West Point 1a
Captain America 313c†
Cheyenne Kid 11a† 12a 13a
Chief Victorio's Apache Massacre NNa
Confessions of the Lovelorn 91a
Cowboy Action 11a
Cowboy Western 67a
Creepy 1a 4a 6a 86a
Crime Suspenstories 16a
Danger Is Our Business 1a
Daredevil Man without Fear 1ac 2ac 3ac 4ac
Blast Off 1a
Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery 11a
Buster Crabbe 2c 3ac 5a
Cadet Gray of West Point 1a
Captain America 313c†
Cheyenne Kid 11a† 12a 13a
Chief Victorio's Apache Massacre NNa
Confessions of the Lovelorn 91a
Cowboy Action 11a
Cowboy Western 67a
Creepy 1a 4a 6a 86a
Crime Suspenstories 16a
Danger Is Our Business 1a
Daredevil Man without Fear 1ac 2ac 3ac 4ac
DC Comics Presents 85a
Fargo Kid 3a
Fighting Yank 28a
Flash Gordon v4 1c 5c
Flash Gordon the Movie TPBa
Forbidden Worlds 1a 3a 5a 6a
Frontier Western 5a 6a
Gunsmoke v2 8a 9a 10a
Gunsmoke Western 36a 39a 40a
Jann of the Jungle 17a
Jet 3a 4a
John Wayne Adventure Comics 7a
Journey Into Mystery 33a 44a 54a
Journey into Unknown Worlds 45a 55a 59a
Kid Colt Outlaw 54c 59a 66a 88a
Lorna the Jungle Girl 18c
Marines In Battle 17a
Marvel Fanfare 30a
Marvel Super Special 16a
Marvel Tales 144a
Matt Slade Gunfighter 1a 2a
Movie Love 8a
My Own Romance 71a
My Romantic Adventures 86a
Mystery Tales 44a 46a 48a†
Mystic 60a
Mystical Tales 5a
Navy Tales 2a
New Mutants 69a 71a 72aFargo Kid 3a
Fighting Yank 28a
Flash Gordon v4 1c 5c
Flash Gordon the Movie TPBa
Forbidden Worlds 1a 3a 5a 6a
Frontier Western 5a 6a
Gunsmoke v2 8a 9a 10a
Gunsmoke Western 36a 39a 40a
Jann of the Jungle 17a
Jet 3a 4a
John Wayne Adventure Comics 7a
Journey Into Mystery 33a 44a 54a
Journey into Unknown Worlds 45a 55a 59a
Kid Colt Outlaw 54c 59a 66a 88a
Lorna the Jungle Girl 18c
Marines In Battle 17a
Marvel Fanfare 30a
Marvel Super Special 16a
Marvel Tales 144a
Matt Slade Gunfighter 1a 2a
Movie Love 8a
My Own Romance 71a
My Romantic Adventures 86a
Mystery Tales 44a 46a 48a†
Mystic 60a
Mystical Tales 5a
Navy Tales 2a
Noman 1a
Out of the Night 1a 4a
Outlaw Kid 8a 18a
Piracy 1a 2a
Prize Comics Western 113a
Quick-Trigger Western 13a 15a†
Race for the Moon 2ac
Rawhide Kid 7a
Ringo Kid 10a 13a
Ripley's Believe It or Not v2 1a
Rocky Lane's Black Jack 23a
Romantic Western 2a
Out of the Night 1a 4a
Outlaw Kid 8a 18a
Piracy 1a 2a
Prize Comics Western 113a
Quick-Trigger Western 13a 15a†
Race for the Moon 2ac
Rawhide Kid 7a
Ringo Kid 10a 13a
Ripley's Believe It or Not v2 1a
Rocky Lane's Black Jack 23a
Romantic Western 2a
Savage Sword of Conan 162a
Savage Tales 6ar
Shock Suspenstories 8a
Six-Gun Western 2a 3a
Spellbound 34a†
Spy-Hunters 16a
Savage Tales 6ar
Shock Suspenstories 8a
Six-Gun Western 2a 3a
Spellbound 34a†
Spy-Hunters 16a
Star Brand 1a
Star Wars 41c 42c 43c
Strange Stories of Suspense 14a
Strange Tales 58a
Strange Worlds 3a
Star Wars 41c 42c 43c
Strange Stories of Suspense 14a
Strange Tales 58a
Strange Worlds 3a
Strange Worlds v3 4a
Superman 400a†
Tales from the Crypt 31a
Tales of Suspense 1a 4a
Tales to Astonish 5a
Tex Ritter 39a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a
Thunder Agents 10ac
Timespirits 4a
Tomahawk 2a
Twilight Zone v2 12a
Superman 400a†
Tales from the Crypt 31a
Tales of Suspense 1a 4a
Tales to Astonish 5a
Tex Ritter 39a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a
Thunder Agents 10ac
Timespirits 4a
Tomahawk 2a
Twilight Zone v2 12a
Two-Gun Kid 30a 51a
Two-Gun Western v2 9a
Uncanny Tales 51a
Valor 1a 2ac
Weird Fantasy v2 14a 15a 16a 19a 20a 21a
Weird Science v2 17a 19a 21a 22a
Weird Science-Fantasy 23a 25a 28a
Western Gunfighters 23a
Western Hearts 2a
Western Kid 9a 10a
Western Outlaws v2 11a 14a
Wild Western 54a 55a
The World Around Us 15a 19a
World of Fantasy 2a 16a
Wyatt Earp 2a 7a 12a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Action Comics 568a
Adventures of the Fly 2a
Avengers Annual 16a†
Battle 67a
Battle Ground 11a
Billy the Kid Adventure Magazine 3a
Captain America 313a†
Cheyenne Kid 10a 11a† 14a
Cowboy Love v2 7a
Crime Suspenstories 13a
Double Life of Private Strong 2a
Droids 2a 5a 7a 8a
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Home / Artist checklists / Williamson original art, profile, galleries, top 10
Two-Gun Western v2 9a
Uncanny Tales 51a
Valor 1a 2ac
Weird Fantasy v2 14a 15a 16a 19a 20a 21a
Weird Science v2 17a 19a 21a 22a
Weird Science-Fantasy 23a 25a 28a
Western Gunfighters 23a
Western Hearts 2a
Western Kid 9a 10a
Western Outlaws v2 11a 14a
Wild Western 54a 55a
The World Around Us 15a 19a
World of Fantasy 2a 16a
Wyatt Earp 2a 7a 12a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Action Comics 568a
Adventures of the Fly 2a
Avengers Annual 16a†
Battle 67a
Battle Ground 11a
Billy the Kid Adventure Magazine 3a
Captain America 313a†
Cheyenne Kid 10a 11a† 14a
Cowboy Love v2 7a
Crime Suspenstories 13a
Forbidden Worlds 76a
Frontier Western 2a 3a
Gunsmoke v2 10a 11a
Gunsmoke Western 35a
Heroic Comics 51a 52a 65a
Heroes for Hope 1a†
Inhumans GNa
Jann of the Jungle 10c 16a 17a
Jet 3a 4a
John Wayne Adventure Comics 2a 3a 4a 6a 8a
Journey Into Mystery 43a 44a
Journey Into Unknown Worlds 55a
Kid Colt Outlaw 58a 60a
Frontier Western 2a 3a
Gunsmoke v2 10a 11a
Gunsmoke Western 35a
Heroic Comics 51a 52a 65a
Heroes for Hope 1a†
Inhumans GNa
Jann of the Jungle 10c 16a 17a
Jet 3a 4a
John Wayne Adventure Comics 2a 3a 4a 6a 8a
Journey Into Mystery 43a 44a
Journey Into Unknown Worlds 55a
Kid Colt Outlaw 58a 60a
Spiderman versus Wolverine 1a
Strange Stories of Suspense 8a
Strange Tales 64a
Strange Tales of the Unusual 3a
Superman 408a 416a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a 13a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a 3ar
Valor 5a
Weird Science v2 20a
Weird Science-Fantasy 25a
Western Outlaws v2 17a
Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles 68a 69a 70a
Wild Western 51a 54a
Witzend 2a
World Around Us 18a
World of Suspense 3a 7a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Strange Stories of Suspense 8a
Strange Tales 64a
Strange Tales of the Unusual 3a
Superman 408a 416a
Texas Rangers in Action 11a 13a
Unearthly Spectaculars 2a 3ar
Valor 5a
Weird Science v2 20a
Weird Science-Fantasy 25a
Western Outlaws v2 17a
Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles 68a 69a 70a
Wild Western 51a 54a
Witzend 2a
World Around Us 18a
World of Suspense 3a 7a
Wyatt Earp v3 20a
Captain America Ghost Rider: Fear NNa
Classics Illustrated 144aDouble Life of Private Strong 2a
Droids 2a 5a 7a 8a
Eternals v2 12a
Wolverine v2 1ac
a = interior art
c = cover
ac = art & cover
r = interior art reprint
cr = cover reprint
a = interior art
c = cover
ac = art & cover
r = interior art reprint
cr = cover reprint
† = non-attributed / mis-attributed art and/or cover
B = book
GN = graphic novel
NN = no issue number
NN = no issue number
TPB = trade paperback
THC = trade hardcover
Note: this is an incomplete checklist that continually expands as more issues are rated and reviewed.
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Home / Artist checklists / Williamson original art, profile, galleries, top 10
Al Williamson comics checklist
Reviewed by Ted F
8:35 AM
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