Case of the Wasted Water #NN - Neal Adams art & cover

Neal Adams cover - Case of the Wasted Water 1960s giveaway comic book
Neal Adams
The Case of the Wasted Water v1 #NN (no number), 1969? - A promotional item for Rheem Water Heaters, this free comic educates readers about water usage and conservation. Neal Adams did a small handful of giveaways, but this is by far one of his best efforts. The story is straightforward, narrative and documentary in style. Surprisingly, Adams' drawings display a high level of craft. Similar to his X-men issues for Marvel, faces and figures are detailed and precise. Comic guides estimate a publication date of 1972, but I believe the style of the artwork places it a few years earlier. The cover and interiors are the same paper stock. This is 1 of 1 Case of the Wasted Water issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
Adams story pencils and inks 15 pages = ****

Neal Adams page - Case of the Wasted Water 1960s giveaway comic book
Neal Adams
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Case of the Wasted Water #NN - Neal Adams art & cover Case of the Wasted Water #NN - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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