Tomahawk #127 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams bronze age western dc 1970s cover - Tomahawk #127
Neal Adams
Tomahawk v1 #127, 1970 - Trapped and unarmed. the title character shields a young woman from their captors above. While not entirely accurate, the perspective of Neal Adams' cover is surprisingly convincing. The contrast between light and dark allows the story's protagonists to stand out. Note how the fallen figure also partially frames the scene. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Frank Thorne. This is 10 of 13 Tomahawk issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

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Tomahawk #127 - Neal Adams cover Tomahawk #127 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 PM Rating: 5

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