Green Lantern v2 #85 - Neal Adams art & cover + Landmark issue

Green Lantern Green Arrow #85 bronze age 1970s dc drug comic book cover
Neal Adams
Green Lantern / Green Arrow v2 #85, 1970 - The first serious look at drug abuse occurred months before in Amazing Spider-man, but DC was the first to specifically target heroin and make one of their own heroes (in this case Speedy) into a junkie. Neal Adams' art reinforces the seriousness of the theme, filling the pages with characters that are individual and complex. Especially well drawn are the first several pages, depicting thugs eyeing a potential victim. The backdrop of a dimly lit street within an urban slum looks convincing, a scene not often portrayed in early bronze age comics. Adams' shocking cover replicates the same moment of revelation on the last panel, as Green Arrow realizes his ward's addiction. This story was later reprinted in Green Lantern Green Arrow #5. Rounding out the book is a Gil Kane reprint from the early 1960s. Read my commentary on this issue's historical significance. This is 11 of 15 Green Lantern v2 issues by Adams. /// key Landmark issue (1st drug use in DC comics pt 1 of 2) / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"Snowbirds Don't Fly"
Adams story pencils and inks 22 pages = ****

Green Lantern Green Arrow #85 bronze age 1970s dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Green Lantern v2 #85 - Neal Adams art & cover + Landmark issue Green Lantern v2 #85 - Neal Adams art & cover + Landmark issue Reviewed by Ted F on 2:01 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

KDawg said...

What a milestone of a book!

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