House of Secrets #91 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
House of Secrets v1 #91, 1971 - A brutal South American dictator quashes a rebellion and orders the execution of their leader "El Aguila". Jerry Grandenetti's adequate drawings appear more polished by Wally Wood's bold inking. Deft placement of shadows and highlights suggest the oppressive mood of the story's setting. Neal Adams does even better with his interpretation of the same theme. The cover's transparent masthead allows his illustration to have a greater sense of scale and space. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Jack Sparling, Sam Glanzman and Murphy Anderson. This is 9 of 9 House of Secrets issues by Adams and 1 of 2 House of Secrets issues by Wood.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"The Eagle's Talon" Wood story inks (Jerry Grandenetti pencils) 7 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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House of Secrets #91 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover House of Secrets #91 - Wally Wood art, Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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