Marvel Spotlight #1 - Neal Adams cover, Wally Wood art + 1st Red Wolf solo

Neal Adams
Marvel Spotlight v1 #1 on Red Wolf, 1971 - First introduced in Avengers #80, the modern version of Red Wolf is replaced here by an earlier incarnation. Set in the old west, a boy is given powers by an ancient Native American wolf god. An astonishing Neal Adams cover sets an exciting tone for the hero's origin and first solo adventure. Exquisitely drawn, the artist brings a fresh perspective to the western genre. The interior pages are thoughtfully embellished by Wally Wood. Looser and more spontaneous, his inks add a painterly feel to Syd Shores' pencils. The characters benefit from his traditional yet richly illustrative style. This is 1 of 2 Marvel Spotlight issues by Adams and 1 of 1 Marvel Spotlight issues by Wood. /// key 1st solo story Red Wolf, 1st issue
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"Red Wolf" Wood story inks (Syd Shores pencils) 19 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Marvel Spotlight #1 - Neal Adams cover, Wally Wood art + 1st Red Wolf solo Marvel Spotlight #1 - Neal Adams cover, Wally Wood art + 1st Red Wolf solo Reviewed by Ted F on 4:03 PM Rating: 5

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