Crazy Magazine #73 - Mike Ploog, Neal Adams, Jack Kirby reprints

Crazy Magazine #73
Crazy Magazine (Super special) v1 #73, 1981 - Reprinting stories from early on in the series, this self-described super special boasts a Mike Ploog story from Crazy #7 and a Neal Adams partially inked tale from #2Jack Kirby's original story from Strange Tales #89 is parodied with new dialogue. Other artists in this copper age comic include Kent Gamble, Ray Billingsley, Bob Foster, Ron Zalme, Michael Ricigliano, John Romita, Ron Zalme and Marie Severin. All interiors in black and white. Cover by Bobby London. 

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Crazy Magazine #73 - Mike Ploog, Neal Adams, Jack Kirby reprints Crazy Magazine #73 - Mike Ploog, Neal Adams, Jack Kirby reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:44 PM Rating: 5

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