Wonder Woman #220 - Neal Adams art

Wonder Woman #220 cover
Wonder Woman #220
Wonder Woman v1 #220, 1975 - The Amazon princess, closely monitored by the Atom, battles the time thief Chronos in a test of her newly recovered super-powers. Neal Adams is credited in comic book guides as lending a hand to artist Dick Giordano, although it's far from obvious. Adding to the confusion, their frequent bronze age collaborations often resulted in a similarity in style. Upon close inspection, it appears Adams inked a few sporadic panels, among them page 3 panel 1 (see interior page shown below), page 6 and most likely page 16. I'd welcome other opinions. This is 2 of 2 Wonder Woman issues by Adams.
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"The Man Who Wiped Out Time" Adams partial story inks (Dick Giordano pencils) 20 pages = *

Wonder Woman #220 page
Neal Adams
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Wonder Woman #220 - Neal Adams art Wonder Woman #220 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:06 PM Rating: 5

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