Challengers of the Unknown #70 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams bronze age dc 1970s cover - Challengers of the Unknown #70
Neal Adams
Challengers of the Unknown v1 #70, 1970 - With newly designed uniforms, the members quickly stand out on this Neal Adams cover. The theme of a suggested betrayal is compelling, but the layout seems crammed with too many elements. Adams' draftsmanship is still notable, especially on the details of the team's attire. This issue also includes artwork by Jack Sparling. This 3 of 6 Challengers of the Unknown issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = **

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Challengers of the Unknown #70 - Neal Adams cover Challengers of the Unknown #70 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5
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