Weird Worlds #2 - Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson art

Weird Worlds #2 bronze age 1970s science fiction dc comic book cover
Weird Worlds #2
Weird Worlds v3 #2, 1972 - A showcase for Edgar Rice Burroughs' lesser known heroes, the series features John Carter, Warlord of Mars and David Innes in Pellucidar. Alan Weiss ably draws the latter feature, aided by C. Bunker, an abbreviation of "Crusty Bunker". This pseudonym was used during the bronze age by an informal group of artists, often led by Neal Adams. Weiss' style has a striking similarity, but as the story progresses Adams' inks become more recognizable. His detailed shading adds dimension and clarity to the pencils. Bernie Wrightson also apparently inked the gorilla characters on the first two pages. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Murphy Anderson. Cover by Joe Orlando. This is 1 of 2 Weird Worlds issues by Adams and 1 of 1 Weird Worlds issues by Wrightson.
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"Slaves of the Mahars" Adams, Wrightson story partial inks (Alan Weiss pencils, partial inks) 12 pages = ***

Weird Worlds #2 bronze age 1970s science fiction dc comic book page by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Weird Worlds #2 - Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson art Weird Worlds #2 - Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:51 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Berni Wrightson inked the gorilla men on the first two pages of "Slaves of the Mahars." This was the first comics story inked by the Crusty Bunkers (Continuity Associates artists such as owner/operator Neal Adams, as well as Ralph Reese, Al Weiss, Jim Starlin, Larry Hama, Greg Theakston, and Berni Wrightson). They also worked on SWORD OF SORCERY #1 and 3 over Howard Chaykin's pencils shortly afterwards.

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