Our Army at War #240 - Neal Adams art, Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint

Joe Kubert
Our Army At War v1 #240 featuring Sgt. Rock, 1972 - A typical danger-filled Joe Kubert cover begins this 48-page edition. A new splash immediately follows, leading into a Kubert reprint from Our Army at War #86. Most noteworthy is a futuristic war story, pitting three soldiers against an unknown alien threat. Neal Adams does an excellent job depicting a variety of monstrous life forms (see interior page below). Even more impressive is his daring spread on pages 3-4: a splintered grid of panels that suggest the chaos and confusion of battle. Adams’ last story on this series mixes together the war and science fiction genres. This story was reprinted in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #12. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Sam Glanzman and Mort Drucker. This is 4 of 4 Our Army at War issues by Adams and 175 of 236 Our Army at War issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
Kubert intro pencils and inks 1 page = ***
"Another Time Another Place" Adams story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

Joe Kubert

Neal Adams
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Our Army at War #240 - Neal Adams art, Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Our Army at War #240 - Neal Adams art, Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:04 AM Rating: 5

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