Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #27 - Neal Adams art

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #27
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu v1 #27, 1976 - Mike Nassar always emulated Neal Adams' style during the 1970s. In this case, his pin-up page of the White Tiger marginally benefits from Adams' inks. Their similarities in approach have built-in compatibility, but the overall results also smack of redundancy. Adams' earlier covers on this series are far better. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Rudy Nebres and Ron Wilson. This is 9 of 9 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu issues by Adams.
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Adams pin-up inks (Mike Nasser pencils) 1 page (black and white) = **

Neal Adams
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Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #27 - Neal Adams art Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #27 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:25 AM Rating: 5

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