D - key comics checklist

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Dalgoda 1st
Damion Hellstrom 1st
Dan Brand and Tipi 1st
Danielle Moonstar 1st
Danny Rand 1st
Daredevil 1st lev gleason 1940s
Daredevil 1st marvel 1960s
Darklon the Mystic 1st
Darkseid 1st / cover
Darkstar 1st
Darth Vader 1st
Darrel Dane 1st
Daughters of the Dragon 1st
Dazzler 1st / series
Deadpool 1st
Deadshot revival
Death Patrol 1st
Death's Head 1st 
Deathlok 1st
Deathstroke 1st
Defenders marvel 1970s
Demon 1st
Demonia 1st
Despero 1st
Destiny 1st dc 1970s
Destiny 1st marvel 1980s
Destroyer 1st timely 1940s
Destroyer Duck 1st
Destructor 1st
Devil Dinosaur 1st
Devil Slayer 1st
Devilina 1st
Diamond Lil 1st
Diamondhead 1st
Diana Prince 1st
Die Hard 1st
Dinah Lance 1st
Dick Grayson 1st
Dingbats of Danger Street 1st
Doc Macabre 1st
Doc Samson 1st
Doctor Angst 1st
Doctor Bedlam 1st
Doctor Canus 1st
Doctor Doom 1st / series
Doctor Fate 1st
Doctor Graves 1st
Doctor Manhattan 1st
Doctor Mid-nite 1st
Doctor Octopus 1st
Doctor Orient 1st
Doctor Phosphorus 1st
Doctor Skuba 1st
Doctor Solar 1st
Doctor Spectrum 1st
Doctor Spektor 1st
Doctor Strange 1st / origin
Doctor Vundabar 1st
Doll Man 1st
Dolphin 1st
Dominic Fortune 1st
Domino 1st
Don Hall 1st
Donald Blake 1st
Donald Pierce 1st
Doom Patrol 1st
Doop 1st
Dormammu 1st
Dragon Lord 1st
Drax the Destroyer 1st
Dreadstar 1st / series
D'Spayre 1st
Dumb Bunny 1st
Dummy 1st
Dynamo 1st

1st = 1st full appearance
separate from 1st appearance:
origin = 1st origin
cover = 1st full cover appearance
solo = 1st solo story
series = 1st ongoing series begins
revival = 1st revival


Daisy and Donald #1
Dalgoda #1
Danger Is Our Business #1
Danger Trail #1
Darby O' Gill and the Little People / Four Color v2 #1024
Daredevil #1 #181 #200
Daredevil Man without Fear #1
Dark Horse Presents #1 #100
Dark Knight Strikes Again #1
Dark Mysteries #1
Dark Shadows v2 #1
Dazzler #1
DC 100 Page Super Spectacular #4 (#1)
DC Special Series #1
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu special album #1
Defenders #1
Defenders v2 #1 #100
Demon #1
Destroyer Duck #1
Destructor #1
Detective Comics #400 #500 #600
Devil Dinosaur #1
Devilina #1
Disneyland Birthday Party #1
Do You Believe in Nightmares #1
Doc Macabre #1
Doctor Solar #1
Doctor Strange #169 (#1)
Doctor Strange v2 #1
Doll Man #1
Donald Duck Album v2 #1
Doomsday+1 #1
Double Life of Private Strong #1
Durango Kid #1
Dynamo #1

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D - key comics checklist D - key comics checklist Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:21 PM Rating: 5

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