House of Mystery #185 - Neal Adams cover, Al Williamson art

Neal Adams

10. House of Mystery v1 #185, 1970 - Making his way through a forgotten swamp, an escaped convict encounters deadly primeval reptiles and an evil priestess. This Al Williamson tale may have originally been intended for one of Warren's horror magazines. Regardless, the art is stunning in its detail and sophistication. Open and free-floating panels add depth to bold layouts, in turn enhancing Williamson's sharp, precision drawings. Some comic book guides credit story inks to Mike Kaluta, but I see no evidence of it. The same issue features a Wally Wood-esque story (drawn by imitator Wayne Howard) and a fine Neal Adams cover. Other artists in this issue include Jerry Grandenetti. This is 11 of 26 House of Mystery issues by Adams and 1 of 1 House of Mystery issues by Williamson. /// Top 10 Williamson comics
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Beautiful Beast" Williamson story pencils and inks 11 pages = *****

Al Williamson
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House of Mystery #185 - Neal Adams cover, Al Williamson art House of Mystery #185 - Neal Adams cover, Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:54 AM Rating: 5

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