Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #12 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu v1 #12, 1975 - James Bond (as portrayed by actor Roger Moore) fends off an array of attackers in an arena setting. Neal Adams does a fine job with his likeness, as he usually does when portraying real people. While placement of several figures can be a challenge, the artist largely maintains a cohesive layout. At first glance, the Master of Kung Fu figure on the upper left seems to join the fray. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Rudy Nebres and George Perez. This is 6 of 9 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu issues by Adams
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

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Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #12 - Neal Adams cover Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #12 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:50 PM Rating: 5

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