Marvel Feature v2 #1 - Neal Adams reprint + 1st Red Sonja series begins

Marvel Feature v2 #1

Marvel Feature v2 #1 presents Red Sonja, 1975 - After her debut in Conan #23 two years ago, Red Sonja begins her first ongoing series. A new story, adapting Robert E. Howard's "Temple of Abomination", is accompanied by a reprint from Savage Sword of Conan #1 with partial inks by Neal Adams. The tale is reduced in size from the original magazine format and presented here in color for the first time. This issue also includes artwork by Dick Giordano. Cover by Gil Kane and John Romita. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Feature v2 issues by Adams. After seven issues, Red Sonja would debut her own self-titled series. /// key 1st series Red Sonja begins, 1st issue
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"Red Sonja" Adams partial story inks 10 pages (1st time in color) = **

Neal Adams
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Marvel Feature v2 #1 - Neal Adams reprint + 1st Red Sonja series begins Marvel Feature v2 #1 - Neal Adams reprint + 1st Red Sonja series begins Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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