World's Finest Comics #246 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Baron Blitzkrieg

Neal Adams
World's Finest Comics v1 #246, 1977 - Does Superman have an addled twin brother chained in the basement? Despite the silly premise, Neal Adams draws the cover theme with all sincerity. Few artists could pull it off this convincingly, while competing with myriad elements and too much text. Note how the background texture radiates out from the entrance where Batman and Wonder Woman burst forth. Speaking of which, the Amazon princess' tale is set in World War II where she encounters a Nazi super solider named Baron Blitzkrieg. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Mike Nasser and Terry Austin. This is 24 of 25 World's Finest Comics issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Baron Blitzkrieg
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Baron's Name Is Blitzkrieg" 15 pages

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World's Finest Comics #246 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Baron Blitzkrieg World's Finest Comics #246 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Baron Blitzkrieg Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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