Strange Adventures #207 - Neal Adams art & cover

Strange Adventures v1 #207 dc 1960s silver age comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Strange Adventures v1 #207 featuring Deadman, 1967 - In helping a young woman held against her will, Deadman discovers her sleazy boss runs a secret counterfeit ring. Unlike the previous issue, Neal Adams does both the pencils and inks this issue. His drawings fill the pages with an exciting, contemporary approach. The fist fight on pages 7-8 is especially impactful with its skillful figure drawing and facial close-ups. Even more stunning is Adams' cover of Deadman among a sea of anonymous faces. This story was later reprinted in Deadman #2 and World's Finest Comics #226. This is 2 of 15 Strange Adventures issues by Adams. /// Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"What Makes A Corpse Cry?"
Adams story pencils and inks 17 pages = ***

Strange Adventures v1 #207 dc 1960s silver age comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Strange Adventures #207 - Neal Adams art & cover Strange Adventures #207 - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:18 PM Rating: 5

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