House of Mystery #228 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson reprint

House of Mystery #228
House of Mystery v1 #228, 1974 - In a world overtaken by pollution, a young renegade tries to change his fate. This brief tale has several Neal Adams swipes from Flash #217, which is ironic given Adams is the inker on this story. His handiwork dominates the pencils but improves upon them as well. Bernie Wrightson's first professional work from House of Mystery #179 is also reprinted here, a dull reproduction by comparison. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gerry Talaoc, Alfredo Alcala, Sergio Aragones and Frank Robbins. This is 21 of 26 House of Mystery issues by Adams.
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"The Rebel" Adams story inks (Alan Kupperberg pencils) 4 pages = ***

Neal Adams
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House of Mystery #228 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson reprint House of Mystery #228 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 7:40 PM Rating: 5

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