World's Finest Comics #205 - Frank Frazetta reprint, Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
World's Finest Comics v1 #205, 1971 - Superman joins forces with the Teen Titans on Neal Adams' gripping cover. While fairly straightforward in layout, the supporting characters turn inward, toward the larger scene. This clever twist makes the cover that much more memorable. Inside, a Frank Frazetta reprint from Adventure Comics #153 completes the issue. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Dick Dillin and Joe Giella. This is 17 of 25 World's Finest Comics issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

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World's Finest Comics #205 - Frank Frazetta reprint, Neal Adams cover World's Finest Comics #205 - Frank Frazetta reprint, Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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