House of Mystery #175 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Cain

Neal Adams
House of Mystery v1 #175, 1968 - In the previous issue, DC reverted this title back to its original horror genre beginnings. Cain the caretaker is introduced for the first time and begins as series host. This second new format issue is also Neal Adams' first of a long succession of HOM covers. He begins a recurring theme of drawing children in mysterious and often dangerous situations. In this example, three kids dangerously peer down from a rooftop, flanked by stone gargoyles on either side. An open window sheds light, but reveals little else. Other artists in this silver age comic include Jack Sparling and George Roussos. This is 1 of 26 House of Mystery issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance Cain
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***

1st Cain
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House of Mystery #175 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Cain House of Mystery #175 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Cain Reviewed by Ted F on 8:06 AM Rating: 5

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