Heroes Against Hunger #NN - Adams cover, Wrightson, Rogers, Byrne, Smith / Jones, Simonson, Kirby, Kubert art

Neal Adams
Heroes Against Hunger v1 #NN (no number), 1986 - Responding to the crisis in Africa, DC produces this one-shot comic to benefit the victims. This full-length tale features Superman and Lex Luthor, but other superheroes and characters appear as well. Neal Adams and Dick Giordano provide the empathetic and tragic cover, while a community of artists take turns on the interiors. Bernie WrightsonMarshall RogersWalt Simonson and Joe Kubert all make memorable contributions. The work by John Byrne and Jack Kirby, not so much. Jim Starlin has writing credits but no artwork. While never paired before in comics, Barry Smith and Jeff Jones deliver probably the most impactful two pages (see interior page below). Other artists in this copper age comic include Howard Chaykin, Carmine Infantino, Tony Salmons, George Perez, Keith Giffen, Dave Gibbons, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Jim Aparo, Gray Morrow and others. See also Heroes for Hope #1
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Adams cover pencils (Dick Giordano inks) = ***
"A Song of Pain and Sorrow":
Rogers story pencils (Karl Kesel inks) 2 pages = ***
Wrightson story pencils (Mike Kaluta inks) 2 pages = ***
Simonson story pencils (Steve Leialoha inks) 2 pages = ***
Smith story pencils / Jones inks 2 pages = ****
Kubert story pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) 2 pages = ***
Kirby story pencils (Al Milgrom inks) 2 pages = **
Byrne story inks (Curt Swan pencils) 2 pages = **

Barry Windsor Smith  / Jeff Jones
Marshall Rogers

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Heroes Against Hunger #NN - Adams cover, Wrightson, Rogers, Byrne, Smith / Jones, Simonson, Kirby, Kubert art Heroes Against Hunger #NN - Adams cover, Wrightson, Rogers, Byrne, Smith / Jones, Simonson, Kirby, Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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