Teen Titans #21 - Neal Adams art

Teen Titans v1 #21 dc comic book cover art by Nick Cardy
Teen Titans #21
Teen Titans v1 #21, 1969 - The Hawk and the Dove make their first guest appearance on the title, eventually joining forces with the Titans. Neal Adams once again provides brilliant layouts and drawings, only to be dampened by the inks of Nick Cardy (also the cover artist). Most pages are loosely rendered and quite a few panels lack enough definition. Curiously, Cardy seems to have completely redrawn Wonder Girl's face on page 24 panel 3. Adams' dynamic perspective on page 10 and the spaciously wide panel on pages 13-14 are among the artistic high points. This silver age story was later reprinted in Best of DC #18. This is 2 of 3 Teen Titans issues by Adams.
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"Citadel Of Fear" Adams story pencils (Nick Cardy inks) 25 pages = **

Teen Titans v1 #21 dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Teen Titans #21 - Neal Adams art Teen Titans #21 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:06 PM Rating: 5

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