Star Reach #2 - Neal Adams cover, Jim Starlin art

Neal Adams
Star Reach v1 #2, 1975 - Featuring a new character named Stephanie Starr, Neal Adams contributes a dreamy cover montage for her debut. Inside, Jim Starlin's two short stories are more ironic and philosophical in tone. His artwork is somewhat unpolished, but retains its enthusiasm. It's not among his better bronze age works. Other artists in this issue include Dick Giordano and Lee Marrs. This is 1 of 1 Star Reach issues by Adams and 2 of 2 Star Reach issues by Starlin.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"I've Got the Power" Starlin story pencils (Al Milgrom inks) 3 pages = **
"The Visitor" Starlin story pencils (Al Milgrom inks) 3 pages = **
(All interiors in black and white)

Jim Starlin
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Star Reach #2 - Neal Adams cover, Jim Starlin art Star Reach #2 - Neal Adams cover, Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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