G.I. Combat #201 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
G.I. Combat v1 #201 featuring The Haunted Tank, 1977 - As darkness falls, a single crew member fends off encroaching enemy tanks. Neal Adams does a great job contrasting intense rapid fire against the cool evening setting. Russ Heath's inks maintain the integrity of the pencils while adding a gritty quality. Despite the text clutter, both artists succeed in creating a rather gripping image. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Sam Glanzman, Ric Estrada, John Calnan, George Evans, Dick Ayers, E.R. Cruz and Jack Abel. This is 2 of 3 G.I. Combat issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils (Russ Heath inks) = ***

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G.I. Combat #201 - Neal Adams cover G.I. Combat #201 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:45 PM Rating: 5

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