Strange Adventures #206 - Neal Adams art

Strange Adventures #206
Strange Adventures v1 #206 featuring Deadman, 1967 - Did Lorna's motorcycle gangster brother shoot Boston Brand? Deadman aims to find out in only his second appearance in comics. Despite Neal Adams' best efforts, an insensitive inker obliterates the pencils. The result is poorly defined figures and backgrounds, verging on sloppiness. Even the two splash pages suffer from lack of clarity and poor execution. Adams' pacing and page layouts are the only remnant of his original intent and remain largely intact. Thankfully, the artist takes over both pencilling and inking chores in subsequent issues. This story was later reprinted in World's Finest Comics #223 and Deadman #1. Cover by Mike Sekowsky. This is 1 of 15 Strange Adventures issues by Adams. ///Adams gallery
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"An Eye For An Eye" Adams story pencils (George Roussos inks) 17 pages = **

Strange Adventures v1 #206 dc 1960s silver age comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Strange Adventures #206 - Neal Adams art Strange Adventures #206 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:06 PM Rating: 5

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