World's Finest Comics #244 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Slingshot

Neal Adams

World's Finest Comics v1 #244, 1977 - Despite the crowded nature of the cover, Neal Adams does a marvelous job composing the elements into a cohesive whole. The layout juxtaposes Superman and Batman almost symmetrically, while floating portraits of other heroes fill the available space. Green Arrow and Black Canary's caper has a villain called Slingshot threatening an Olympic-bound athlete. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Mike Nasser and Terry Austin. Other features include the Vigilante and Wonder Woman. This is 22 of 25 World's Finest Comics issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance Slingshot
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
"Slings and Arrows" 10 pages

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World's Finest Comics #244 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Slingshot World's Finest Comics #244 - Neal Adams cover + 1st Slingshot Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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