Phantom Stranger v2 #5 - Neal Adams cover

Phantom Stranger #5 - 1970s dc horror comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams

Phantom Stranger v2 #5, 1970
 - The sorceress Tala makes her second appearance, conjuring up a new threat while the Phantom Stranger protects his charges. Neal Adams' third cover on the series is less impactful, mostly due to the crowded layout. The hurried nature of the drawing also contributes to a less than stellar work. The transparency effect through over-printing is commendable though. This issue also includes artwork by Mike Sekowsky and Murphy Anderson. This is 3 of 17 Phantom Stranger v2 issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = **

1st Tala appearance
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Phantom Stranger v2 #5 - Neal Adams cover Phantom Stranger v2 #5 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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