Marvel Premiere #10 - Frank Brunner / Neal Adams art, Brunner cover

Frank Brunner

Marvel Premiere v1 #10 featuring Doctor Strange, 1973 - Emanating from the unconscious Ancient One, an evil entity appears for a final confrontation with Doctor Strange. No longer hampered by incompatible inkers, Frank Brunner displays his true potential. His pencils show increased confidence and page layouts flow more naturally. A group of artistic colleagues, credited as the "Crusty Bunkers", lends an able hand with the inking. Neal Adams clearly does the bulk of the work, most prominently on pages 21-28 and the stunning opening splash. Though at times inconsistent, overall the combination of styles works spectacularly well. This story was first reprinted in Marvel Treasury Edition #6. See the original  from this issue. This is 1 of 4 Marvel Premiere issues by Adams and 4 of 8 Marvel Premiere issues by Brunner. /// original page 21 / original page 22
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***
"Finally Shuma Gorath"
Brunner story pencils / Adams, Brunner partial story inks 19 pages = ***

Frank Brunner / Neal Adams
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Marvel Premiere #10 - Frank Brunner / Neal Adams art, Brunner cover Marvel Premiere #10 - Frank Brunner / Neal Adams art, Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:15 AM Rating: 5

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