Secrets of Sinister House #10 - Neal Adams art

Secrets of Sinister House #10
Secrets of Sinister House v1 #10, 1973 - The secret of a traveling magician piques the curiosity of a hunchback laborer. The story pencils (by Rich Buckler?) greatly benefit from Neal Adams' careful inking. His delineations give the main characters more weight and dimension, especially the hunchback. Note the strong lighting and gentle shading on the interior page below. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gerry Talaoc and Alfredo Alcala. This is 1 of 1 Secrets of Sinister House issues by Adams.
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"Losing His Head" Adams story inks (Rich Buckler pencils?) 8 pages = ***

Neal Adams
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Secrets of Sinister House #10 - Neal Adams art Secrets of Sinister House #10 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:45 PM Rating: 5

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