Two-Gun Kid #30 - Al Williamson art

Two-Gun Kid #30
Two-Gun Kid v1 #30, 1956 - A fearless gunfighter suddenly meets a man he doesn't dare shoot. Even in this brief story, Al Williamson draws better than most of his peers. His opening splash depicts the cocky gunfighter heavily draped in shadow. The painterly background and large areas of black serve to heighten the drama. Frequent collaborator Angelo Torres does his usual fine job, adding spontaneity to Williamson's dynamic pencils. This issue includes artwork by Chuck Miller. Cover by Joe Maneely. This is 2 of 3 Two-Gun Kid issues by Williamson.
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"Afraid of No Man" Williamson story pencils (Angelo Torres inks) 4 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Two-Gun Kid #30 - Al Williamson art Two-Gun Kid #30 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:15 AM Rating: 5

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