Forbidden Worlds #78 - Al Williamson art

Forbidden Worlds #78 golden age 1950s science fiction comic book cover
Forbidden Worlds #78
Forbidden Worlds v1 #78, 1959 - After finding an unusual looking dog, a young couple adopts him into their family. A high level of draftsmanship permeates Al Williamson's drawings. Realistic yet painterly, many panels are dramatically lit for maximum effect. Perhaps most memorable is the final scene depicting a peaceful silhouette against a dark, gradated background. Note that the creature on the cover bears little resemblance to the one inside. This story was later reprinted in the book Al Williamson Forbidden Worlds. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Ogden Whitney, Jon Diehl and Al Wenzel. This is 8 of 8 Forbidden Worlds issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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"The Stray" Williamson story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Forbidden Worlds #78 golden age 1950s science fiction comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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Forbidden Worlds #78 - Al Williamson art Forbidden Worlds #78 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:31 PM Rating: 5

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