Jet #3 - Al Williamson art

Jet (Jet Powers) v1 #3, 1951 - The two stories featuring the title character pale in comparison to the Space Ace back-up tale sandwiched between them. Al Williamson lends his illustrative approach to science fiction, beginning a long term affiliation with the genre. His pages are clearly the most sophisticated of the entire issue, sumptuously drawn with remote planetscapes, futuristic architecture and elegant characters. George Evans' inks give the pencils a richly applied patina, especially on the female antagonist's clothing. This is 1 of 2 Jet issues by Williamson.
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"The Nothing Weapon" Williamson story pencils (George Evans inks) 6 pages = ****

Al Williamson
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Jet #3 - Al Williamson art Jet #3 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:53 PM Rating: 5

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