Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger #1 - Jim Steranko cover, Al Williamson reprint

Tex Dawson Gun-slinger v1 #1 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko

Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger v1 #1, 1973
- Outnumbered and surrounded, the hero stands defiant with smoking pistols in hand. This Jim Steranko cover illustration is well-designed, despite being confined by the title's masthead. A nice touch is the close-up of a would-be killer's hand, placed in the immediate foreground. Darker and more heavily inked hand, it adds depth and context to the scene. This issue also includes an Al Williamson reprint from Western Kid #9. Other artists in this bronze age comic include John Romita and George Tuska. This is 1 of 1 Tex Dawson issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils and inks = ***

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Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger #1 - Jim Steranko cover, Al Williamson reprint Tex Dawson, Gun-slinger #1 - Jim Steranko cover, Al Williamson reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 10:34 AM Rating: 5


Piperson said...

That's amazing! I've never heard about this book never mind the Steranko cover! Some day I'd like to get a complete Steranko library. what ever happened to him anyway? Where did he go after leaving Marvel?

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

He's still alive and well. Google his name to see more of his work.

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