Six-Gun Heroes #49 - Al Williamson art

Six-Gun Heroes #49
Six-Gun Heroes v1 #49, 1958 -  Just arrived into town, an ex-con wonders if he'll be shunned or get a fair shake from sheriff Wild Bill Hickok. Despite a strong opening panel (see interior page below), Al Williamson's drawings seem hurried and erratic. The loose renditions begin to look sloppy in their craft. Sadly, Angelo Torres' inks add little clarity and muddle the final artwork. This story was later reprinted in Gunfighters v3 #54. Other artists in this golden age western comic include Dick Giordano. This is 2 of 2 Six-Gun Heroes issues by Williamson.
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"Badman's Return" Williamson story pencils (Angelo Torres inks) 5 pages = **

Al Williamson
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Six-Gun Heroes #49 - Al Williamson art Six-Gun Heroes #49 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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